IMpaCT @ CCP4 weekend 2020

On January 8-9, a young post-Doc of the IMpaCT project, Sara Silva, attended the CCP4 study weekend 2020 that took place in Nottingham, UK.

This annual event brings together structural biologists that use ccp4 for macromolecular structure determination by X-ray crystallography (XRC). Experts from around the world gave lectures on the latest updates and software for macromolecule model building, refinement and validation.

This year, many of those lectures focused also on model building using electron microscopy (EM) data. EM has evolved steeply in the last few years, and as the obtained data comes close to atomic resolutions, so the data processing software used is evolving to keep up with the advances in the quality of the data collected. In fact, much of the software that is used for XRC data refinement is also used for EM refinement.

This event clearly shows that the study of macromolecule structures stands to gain with the cooperation between scientists from XRC and EM fields.

