IMpaCT joins the event "And if I was a scientist? - Job Shadowing 2.0"

The IMpaCT co-coordinator Célia Romão has joined the event “And if I was a scientist? - Job Shadowing Version 2.0" (E se eu fosse cientista? - Job Shadowing Versão 2.0) last May 14. This was an initiative promoted by the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC) e by the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (ITQB NOVA), sponsored by the Oeiras Council.


This event took place as an online session where Célia Romão had an informal conversation with 12 students from 9 grade and high-school. During two hours, the students asked several questions on what does really mean to be a scientist and to work on science and what are the daily tasks. Célia has as well presented some of the research topics explored at ITQB NOVA.


All the young participants were very enthusiastic to learn more about proteins and their structures, and how that knowledge has been applied to better understand the COVID-19 virus, a topic that is easy for them to relate with given the worldwide situation.


All expressed their surprise when they realized that working in science is a lengthy process and that involves interaction between different teams.










