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Research groups

The Unit has 33 independent laboratories, each of them headed by a Lab Head. The laboratories are organized in 8 Research Groups, which are coordinated by one of the Lab Heads and typically include 3-4 laboratories. In addition, the Unit has a Technology Platform Group providing high-quality technical services and specialized equipment, and a group dedicated to Science Communication, Advanced Teaching, Funding, and Innovation.


G1-Metalloproteins and Bioenergetics

This Group explores the molecular determinants of enzymes that govern redox catalysis and biological electron transfer, which form the backbone of most metabolic processes. Their detailed understanding provides the tools for the rational manipulation of microbial metabolism.

Miguel Teixeira Lab - Metalloenzymes and Molecular Bioenergetics

Ricardo O. Louro Lab- Inorganic Biochemistry and NMR (coordination)

Smilja Todorovic Lab - Raman Spectroscopy of Metalloproteins


G2-Molecular Modeling, Systems and Synthetic Biology

This group studies the molecular determinants of biological processes using physical computational methods.. The three Laboratories composing this Group study a variety of problems in Eukaryotes, Prokaryots and viruses, complementing experimental studies but also providing a route when experimental characterization is lacking. The Group uses existing and new tailor-made methods to investigate both natural and synthetic biological molecules and ligands.

Cláudio M. Soares Lab - Protein Modeling (coordination)

Antonio M. Baptista Lab - Molecular Simulation

Manuel N. Melo Lab - Multiscale Modeling

Isabel Rocha - Systems and Synthetic Biology


G3-Pharmaceuticals and Small Bioactive Molecules

This Group pursues the synthesis of natural or novel molecules with biological activity, with a non-exclusive emphasis on Microbiology. Such molecules may have protective actions against bacteria or target other disease factors. Alternatively, molecules may also be produced from useful bacterial processes and the products intended for downstream use in biological, pharmacological and therapeutic processes. The work carried out is key to developing new patentable technologies.

Rita Ventura Lab - Bioorganic Chemistry

Ana Petronilho Lab - Bioorganometallic Chemistry

Beatriz Royo Lab- Organometallic Catalysis (coordination)

Ana Pina Lab- Bioinspired Peptide Systems

Pedro Mateus Lab - Bio-oriented Supramolecular Chemistry lab


G4-Structure, Function & Dynamics of Biomolecules

This group comprehensively characterises fundamental systems and processes in living organisms at the atomic, molecular and supramolecular levels, and elucidates the molecular mechanisms underlying the assembly and structural dynamics of cellular multi-subunit macromolecular complexes. Using a broad set of methodologies ranging from X-ray crystallography, NMR, SAXS and Cryo-EM to cell imaging using X-ray fluorescence, the Group aims to better understand selected biological processes by focusing on biomolecules with implications in health and disease.

Pedro Matias Lab - Industry and Medicine Applied Crystallography (coordination)

Margarida Archer Lab - Membrane Protein Crystallography

Tiago N. Cordeiro Lab - Dynamic Structural Biology

Dmitry A. Semchonok - Cryo-EM Integrative Structural Biology Laboratory


G5-Gene Expression and Stress Survival

This group addresses the control of gene expression and resistance mechanisms that provide cells with the plasticity to respond to various stress conditions. The Group studies the regulation of intracellular events including the involvement of transcription factors, the production and regulation of RNAs, detoxification enzymes, and metabolic pathways that promote cell survival in a variety of biological systems including bacterial pathogens, yeast, and Drosophila. The Group also studies the host-pathogen interactions of antibiotic-resistant human pathogens.

Ligia M. Saraiva Lab - Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogen Resistance (coordination)

Cecilia Arraiano Lab - Control of Gene Expression

Catarina Pimentel Lab - Yeast Molecular Biology

Pedro Domingos Lab - Cell Signaling in Drosophila


G6-Bacterial Cell Biology and Pathogenesis

The Group aims to unravel the mechanisms that enforce organisation of the bacterial cell during growth and division, morphogenesis and differentiation, and to use this knowledge to better understand antibiotic resistance and the strategies used by bacteria to colonise and infect their hosts and to spread.

Adriano O. Henriques Lab - Microbial Development

Mariana G. Pinho Lab - Bacterial Cell Biology (coordination)

Zach Hensel Lab - Single Molecule Microbiology

Pedro Matos Pereira Lab - Intracellular Microbial Infection Biology


G7-Microbiology of Human Pathogens

This Group investigates the evolution, molecular epidemiology, dissemination and antimicrobial resistance mechanisms of major human pathogens - methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) and Streptococcus pneumoniae . The labs collaborate with health institutions to translate research into targeted strategies to decrease antimicrobial resistance and the burden of infectious diseases.

Hermínia de Lencastre Lab - Molecular Genetics

Maria Miragaia Lab - Bacterial Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology

Raquel Sa-Leão Lab- Molecular Microbiology of Human Pathogens (coordination)

Ana Coelho Lab - Proteomics of Non-Model Organisms


G8-Microbial Metabolism and Biocatalysis

This Group studies key metabolic pathways in health or in environmentally relevant microorganisms, and explores microbial cells and enzymes for the development of bioprocesses targeting a sustainable Bioeconomy. The Group focuses on applied studies, while keeping a strong focus on a molecular understanding of the underlying biological mechanisms.

Inês Cardoso Pereira Lab - Bacterial Energy Metabolism (coordination)

Cristina Silva Pereira Lab - Applied and Environmental Mycology

Ligia O. Martins Lab- Microbial & Enzyme Technology

Sarela Garcia-Santamarina Lab - Human Microbiota – Xenobiotics Interactions

Felipe Conzuelo Lab - Bioelectrochemistry and Electrobiotechnology


G9- Technology Platform

This platform gathers the following research facilities, high-quality resources and services that are critical to support researchers in addressing their challenges:

- The Bacterial Imaging Cluster (BIC)

- The Mass Spectrometry Unit (UniMS)

- The NMR facility (CERMAX)

- Microbial Cell Production

- Protein purification

- Biophysical Resources, to support the use of precision instruments for the characterization of macromolecules and their interactions

- N-terminal Sequencing, providing protein and peptide sequencing

- Small Molecule Analysis

- Elemental Analysis

Célia Romão – Research Facilities Coordinator


G10 - Research Management and Policies

This group acts as a bridge, fostering collaboration and innovation in molecular life sciences. Inspired by the quadruple helix model, this group connects researchers, industry partners, government agencies, and the public, through professional expertise in science communication, public funding and policies, training, and innovation.

Ana Sanchez -ITQB NOVA Vice Director (coordination)

Margarida Trindade - Science Funding Office

Renata Ramalho - Science Communication Office

Marta Ribeiro - Innovation Office