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News 2008

António V. Xavier Seminar: 8th January
Nanocomposite particles for bio-applications by Tito Trindade
A Swiss army knife for RNA degradation
Specialized regions within the exossome uncovered by researchers
Prémio Câmara Pestana attributed to work on RNA metabolism
ITQB research distinguished for two years in a row
António V. Xavier Seminars - December 4th
A journey to the world of functional foods by Francisco Xavier Malcata
ITQB no Fórum Ciência Viva 2008
22 e 23 de Novembro na FIL - Parque das Nações
FEBS distinguishes ITQB Professor
Claudina Rodrigues-Pousada to receive Medaille d’Honneur
ITQB creates award for best PhD thesis
Best 2009 thesis supported by Fundação Jacqueline Dias de Sousa
A Ciência em Debate
Semana da Ciência e da Tecnologia 2008 no ITQB
Best communication by ITQB PhD student
Young chemists meet in Lisbon
EMBO-FEMS Workshop on Microbial Sulfur Metabolism
21st November: Closing date for FEMS grants
Se eu fosse um micróbio ...
Concurso de desenho e escrita ITQB / CMO
António V. Xavier Seminar - November 6th
Molecular basis of degeneration by Tiago Fleming Outeiro
Best poster in international conference
Meeting on tick and tick-borne pathogens
Getting started in research at ITQB
New call for Bolsas de iniciação na investigação
ITQB researcher distinguished by EMBO
EMBO announces new elected members
António V. Xavier Seminars
Seminar October 16th
DeGóis Curricula Platform
Informative Session at ITQB
Fundamentals of Modern Methods of BioCrystallography
New edition of the Biocrys Course
Women involved in the Science of the future
Seminars and round table discussion on October 13
4XCiência: Debating science on TV
ITQB researcher is one of the resident scientists
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